Ahad, 17 April 2011

Entri pengubat rindu..


Dah nak masuk 2 minggu I tak update bloggie..it's not like I don't have any stories to share, tapi 'wireless' dekat bilik macam rubbish. Kejap ada, kejap takde..WTH~

Impian yang tak tau la bila tercapai..

BTW, last two weeks ago I jadi camera 'man'..well, actually video girl that is.  Bukan untuk wedding sesiapa (Oopss apesal wedding?) BUT for enzyme tech. production team..well, WTH is that??

Sebenarnya, untuk subjek enzyme tech., we all kena form 1 group yang akan buat presentation dan jadi production team untuk group yang jadi presenter.  Tak faham? takpe, buat2 faham jela eh..^_^V 

My production team

And u know what makes me very happy? Our team was complimented by our lecturer, Dr. Haryati.  Just a word of 'well done!' was enough to cheer us up..!! Terasa penat lelah kitorang terbayar..Alhamdulillah~

Sedikit sebanyak behind the scene:

Preparation the night before with presenting team



time keeper a.k.a photographer 2

Q & A session conducter


chairman a.k.a team leader

Sekian la entri kali ni..

P/S: The next entri will be a bit different.  Akan menyentuh tentang sejarah hidup I. Melibatkan orang2 yang masih hidup tapi takde kaitan dengan yang mati..


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