Ahad, 2 Januari 2011

1st day in campus was...

Assalamualaikum n gud mOrning!!
okay bloggie yang comel..hari ni nak cite pasal 1st day i sampai UTM n how was it at least for now (baru habis 2 hours of advanced english class..hee)

semalam (hari ahad) i naik bas konsortium dalam pukul 12 tengah hari camtu..sebelum tu berpeluk cium dengan semua ahli keluarga..haha. ibarat macam nak pergi berperang (ke memang?). sebab da dewasa, so no more crying2 laa..kalau crying jugak buat malu kaum jek. jadi, setelah adegan drama berakhir i pun naiklah bas yang 'Cantik' tu. My family pun tanpa membuang masa berlalu dari stesen bas bukit jalil.

haa, tau tak bloggie..the new bus station da siap tau. bukanla stesen baru, but more to being renovated. the result, pergh..GEMPAK weyh. kalau bloggie tengok berita hari tu, sure macam nak pergi naik bas hari2. the place was awesome! untuk perjalanan ke utara, kena guna stesen kat Pudu n untuk yang nak ke selatan, guna stesen kat bandar tasik selatan ke bandar salak selatan (erk..confiused).

hey2, back to the topic. actually, today (3/1/11) is my first day on semester 4 2nd year as industrial biology student. the first class yang i attend tadi was advanced english for academic communication (haha..the name tell the stories). okay, mula2 ingat the subject would be as simple as the previous one but the lecturer, Pn. Aida A. Rahman said, " The word 'advanced' itself shows that it is quite tough. well, 1st impression wrong. TEETT!

then, she started to brief about the whole subject from A to Z. at first, yeah i admit i found it very interesting. but, towards the end, fuhh this subject r i cakap dengan u bloggie, was way to exciting until i felt i want to repent (bertaubat) from skipping classes anymore..(naughty rr..~)

but i found out that this lecturer is friendly, quite gorgeous (hehe..) and seems like an understanding one. i hope she really is, because i want to learn in a friendly eco-system..ehh, friendly environment.

mesti pelik kan, baru je experience the first class, da nak gebang kat u bloggie. actually, sebab susah nak update u selalu, because kat sini kena pergi library baru dapat online free (hehe..FREE). even ada wireless dekat kolej and bilik, tapi faham2 sendirila ye bloggie. tak dapat pamper u lagi macam selalu masa kat rumah..waaaaa~

sebelum berundur (cewah), i sertakan gambar2 the new station bus ea..bloggie, jangan merajuk lepas ni i susah nak update u lagi..mwah3

okay, ni gambar sebelum renovate:
bahagian luar

bahagian dalam

then, the new look:
ada cafeteria okay..

kaunter pun sangat maju and canggih..

tata bloggie...see u in a bluemoon!
(haha..bluemoon la sangat..^^)

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